Monthly Archives: August 2015

Taking Responsibility and Accountability


After an observation and interaction with a young woman,  this Friday in a professional situation, I realized how people don’t take responsibility when they have not held up their end and are the leadership. But worsens the situation, when people find an opportunity in that moment to use someone else issue to take away from their contribution to the chaos.

One of the definitions of Responsibility

the state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something.

If you take the definition and don’t talk about the accountability that comes with responsibility, it will let you know why many walk away without accountability.

Accountability – an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions

In my years personally and professionally, I have learned to learn in the moments when things are not handled at the best, whether it’s my fault or the other and admitting your contribution to the chaos. Most can respect when you step up and say “this was my fault” and offer how you are going to correct it or could improve the next time – being accountable.  This does not mean there will not be some level of “tongue lashing” or consequences but very rare is the reaction and the bounce back from anger slow to surface or even subside – when there isn’t some other issue involved as well.

The ability to be teacher and participatory centered leader can make the difference when they are partnered together. The great collaboration of the two allows for the teacher to become an active participate who learns from the lesson as well; while he/she supports the learning, rather than just offering up the direction and walking away hoping the lesson is learned.

With this incident, the young woman walked away from participating in the lesson and didn’t take responsibility and accountability for her part; but did a wonderful job of passing on, speaking on and recounting the other sides issues.

How people learn is always a fascinating them to me and can make the difference and how character is or is not developed.


Facing #change versus living with #regret


On LinkedIn, this week, a woman posed this question to a group of other women:

Why do women let fear drive them into staying with a job they hate instead of starting that business that they love?

With 399 comments, at least 50% were filled with the response about fear or they commented and fear was in their answer. Some felt it wasn’t fear but the security of letting go of the job and low self-esteem. Most of the women responding were in the 40 and older category, who seemed to be offering wisdom on the why with less excuses or reasons than others under 40.

I believe it comes down to self-doubt and security. Too often we are the only ones blocking ourselves from transitioning to a better place. When you are able to step out of your own way and quit holding yourself back, it is then that you truly have a breakthrough!

The point that made me most engaged and a bit pissed were the one’s that wanted to use “being a single mother” as why they can not start their own business. And I don’t agree that this is the reason, as I live in this world and I am an entrepreneur, but may be a challenge you face. Money can be a challenge in any business, whether you work or someone or own it.  Family will always be a balancing act, whether you work for someone else or your self. But it you keep telling yourself that being a single mother accounts for having less than you deserve, I feel you do such a dis-service to yourself and others who are single mothers.

But what I do realize after 24 years in business, everyone isn’t meant to be an owner, and that is not a gender issue. Just have passion for whatever you are doing, that brings happiness and ultimately JOY!
